• Testimonials

    • This testimonial was received from a patient who had undergone ablation of several lung metastases from colorectal cancer before starting systemic chemotherapy:

      I was referred to Dr. Illing by my oncologist after my cancer metastasised to my lungs.  At the time I was confused and concerned that I was being referred to the correct person.  My own research (Google) suggested Cyberknife but this treatment was RFA (radiofrequency ablation). I was conflicted not only over which was the right option for me but most importantly, who should I put my trust in. 

      After numerous emails and a 20 minute telephone conversation I was reassured by logic that RFA was the correct step for me.  Dr Illing was at hand  even late at night when communication was required.  My RFA consisted of treating 3 lesions on my right and 2 lesions on my left lung in two separate operations.

      In conclusion and based on my own experience I have found Dr Illing to be a first rate surgeon, a first rate listener and totally competent.  From my observations in hospital it is also clear that he is highly regarded by his peers.  

      Mr JP, November 2014


      This feedback was returned with the patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) form after the patient had undergone ablation for a lung tumour:

      ‘Ablation has been an excellent alternative to chemotherapy because I experienced a couple of days limited discomfort as opposed to weeks of chemo, hair loss and illness and so could more more easily continue with normal day to day life without too great na impact. I would highly recommend it.’


      The letter below is reproduced with kind permission from the author:

      Dear Dr.Illing

      Words are inadequate to express my thanks and gratitude for eradicating the cancerous tumor on my kidney yet at the same time preserving more than 75% of its function. I am in no doubt that  any patient given the choice of a kidney removal or cryoablation  to treat a cancerous tumor would choose cryoablation.

      Initially when told that my tumor had grown to around  29mm I was advised by my local Consultant to have the diseased kidney removed. I was given no choice.   At  age 79 with a history in the last 4 years of previous severe abdominal surgery it was not a pleasant prospect but there was, so I then thought, no alternative treatment and so I agreed. I was told that I would be hospitalised for about 2 weeks and thereafter face a long convalescence. As to losing a kidney ‘it was no big deal ‘ because I had two.

      By serendipitous chance my medical notes to the surgeon went astray and it was then that I learned from an article in the Daily Mail of your expertise with cryoablation. You agreed to see me and the result was that I cancelled surgery and underwent  cryoablation  instead. Despite my age I only spent 3 days in hospital and came out without even a plaster on the site. All I had were 5 small marks that looked as minimal as mosquito bites. I needed no convalescence just normal gentle care and have felt no pain or discomfort at any time, even immediately after the procedure. I have had two follow up scans  each of which has shown the successful ablation of the tumour.

      I couldn’t be more happy with the procedure and the result. It is a wonderful advance for those patients who are lucky enough to be suitable for the treatment which I hope becomes widely known and available.

      With kindest regards and best wishes.

      Mrs AC

      13th July 2014



      Feedback received from Mrs KG following a vascular procedure by the LION team:

      ‘Everyone and everything was excellent’

      7th August 2014